by Justin Rezvani, the importance of freedom and Bitcoin



“Bitcoin is a rebellion against the most powerful bastion of Socialism in the free world: central banking. It is a peaceful revolution involving the permanent disarmament of tyrants that weaponized money to confiscate wealth. Bitcoin is a weapon of peace used for the assassination of time-theft. An alchemical archetype, it is an antidote to state corruption in social moral affliction.

As a purely honest free market money, Bitcoin is an irresistible truth; an expression of pure monetary capitalism and a modern-day declaration of Independence for fiat-slaves worldwide. Bitcoin is money without masters; a system government by rules instead of rulers. By awakening the world from the nightmare finance of slavery, Bitcoin is a dream of freedom coming true.” – Unapologetic Freedom, P108-109

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Shrek makes progress on becoming a better Ogre



the Shrek movie is fun and has a lesson in self-leadership!

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by Oliver DeMille



an introduction to key turning points away from freedom and how to restore freedom in America!

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by Alexandre Dumas




a great book about love, revenge, composure, learning, and a whole lot more!

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Exposed: The Financial Matrix

by Orrin Woodward

a review of the who, what, how, and why of the Financial Matrix and the Force Rule Philosophy vs. the Golden Rule Philosophy

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

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