by Jeff Olson



a great book about creating a new life for yourself!

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

check out my recommended reading list at

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by James Clear



a great read and powerful tool to self-improvement

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

check out my recommended reading list at

book a free coaching consulting appointment

In this picture, …

you see my feet hanging through my ceiling. I was attempting to do work at my house without a friend to help me. I have found that when I try to do work on my house or my car without a friend, I end up in trouble. In 2014, I found myself in trouble at work. I was put on a 90-day personal improvement plan. The circumstances are not important right now; however, it was a big challenge to my job at the time.

During the year of 2014, I would wake up with nightmares of my boss coming to my home at 7 AM and firing me before I could go to work. Still to this day, I can clearly see his car at the time, and him walking up the sidewalk to that house. What happened after I was written up, is that an upper-level manager pulled me aside and offered to coach me.

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Once upon a time making resolutions was an annual routine for me.

I would start thinking about them the 3rd week of December and gauge how I had done the previous year. Of course, like many resolutions, it was pass or fail and the changes I wanted to make felt like a mountain l would never be able to scale.

One April, when I was 14 years old, my mom pulled me aside to chat with me about how I was doing. She was greatly concerned, because as the oldest, I was getting the brunt of my parents fighting. She wanted to give me some guidance and help me change despite the example being set at home. She knew I would need encouragement to be willing to not follow in my parent’s mistakes.

Her talk provided me with some insight into people and, for a while, it stuck. Of course, I then went on to be a rebellious teen. Once I realized that I was only hurting myself with my decisions, I decided that I needed to get serious about changing me. It took a few days for me to work through the old thinking and start to weed out the bad ideas about myself and others. Within a week, I had made some sweeping changes in my life. I cut out a lot of media, music, and books that weren’t helping me in order to change my thoughts and attitude. I know that for my few friends these steps seemed extreme.

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1st Webniar – August 29th, 2020

Hey followers and friends, I am going to be hosting my first webinar on August 29th, 2020 from 1PM to 5 PM Eastern (12PM Central, 11AM Mountain, and 10AM Pacific).

This is webinar will focus on personal change and provide guidance on how to start where you are and begin working on personal changes.

We don’t believe to being stuck to New Year’s Resolutions and prefer to make changes when they are needed.

The hardest time in a young adults life is the transition between young adult and adult. This event is intended to help a young man or woman think about where they are in their life and start planning to make changes for their life.

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