A good man knows the darkness will always be there; but, stands against it anyways. – Batman



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check out my recommended reading list at https://turningleafs.com/book-list/

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by Andrew Torba & Andrew Isker



a view on America and her christian roots

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

check out my recommended reading list at https://turningleafs.com/book-list/

book a free coaching consulting appointment https://calendly.com/turningleafs

by Tim Ballard



by Tim Ballard

a great book about the faith of the first American’s and why they came here.

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

check out my recommended reading list at https://turningleafs.com/book-list/

book a free consulting appointment https://calendly.com/turningleafs

Operation Underground Railroad Website





