by Jim Fugate



a great book on leadership and wisdom

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

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New Blog – Led Me To This

I am excited to announce that I have been invited to write for a friends blog, “Led Me To This“. This invitation has been extended to those attending Cheryl Clark & Jamie Allen Bishop‘s Success Strategy Networking Meetings on Wednesday Morning at 9AM Eastern.

This is an amazing group of people that love to share their experiences, wisdom, and knowledge. I have greatly benefited from this association and do not miss often. If you are new to entrepreneurship or have been a business owner for many years, this is a great place to learn and share!

I am very grateful for Cheryl’s invitation and inclusion in this weekly networking experience. You can find my articles here.

Screen Shot

a screen shot from one of our meetings

“If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.” – Tom Watson Sr.



Tom Watson Sr. “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.”

reading changes your brain and challenges your presumptions, pick up a book and install new software!

check out my recommended reading list at

book a free coaching consulting appointment


My Favorite Quote

Ever since I was a teenager, my favorite quote is by John Dillinger. It states, “Never let them make you crawl.” Yes, I know that John Dillinger is a notorious American criminal from the 1930s. He robbed banks with the Dillinger Gang and was killed in a shootout with the FBI. When I picked this quote and put it up in my bedroom, my mom was not happy with me. She took it that I was holding up John as a role model. I was not. I was picking the wisdom from his life.


It is true that I was using it as “fight the man,” as the saying goes. To buck my parent and societal norms. I didn’t want to be like the masses. I wanted to be my own man and create my own path. This quote has changed in its meaning to me over time because of my personal growth journey.


Today, it means I don’t let others affect my attitude, goals, and mindset. It means that I carve my own path in the world, and I don’t let others throw me off. It also means that I have to read, listen, and associate with people that are smarter and have much more wisdom and experience. Reading a book is one of the fastest ways to pick up wisdom and experience from others. In a few hours, we can assimilate the life experience of another. Imagine that in 8 to 10 hours, we can bring new ideas and experiences into our own minds!


read more at Brainz Magazine


Quality, Quality, Quality

Something that I have long (3 decades) practiced is the value of a great product over multiple cheaper products. When I was about 12 to 14 years old, I realized that I was really hard on clothing, shoes, and other gear. I started working around that time and willing spent money on things that were a little nicer.

When I was 16, I bought my first pair of Nike high top shoes. They were around 80$. A family friend really ribbed me over those shoes. I remember him saying, “are you going to eat those if you run out food?”

It didn’t bother me and that pair of sneakers lasted a good while. Later in high school, I started wearing jump boots and I even wore them for a few years after I graduated. they weren’t as expensive as some sneakers and they lasted longer than the sneakers I was buying.

As I got older, I continued to switch brands when I saw a better quality product over what I had. So, while I may spend more on what I have, I know they will last. This all came to mind because of this pair of oxfords I retired today after I collapsed the footbed. I think I have had these shoes for 4 or 5 years. I think they ran about 120$ when I got them and only in the last week the footbed collapsed and then I realized that the tread on one sole was really thin … see through thin.

I liken this to our lives. what are we filling them with? what influences are we allowing? Are you willing to give up some good or better things for the things that are the best? I know that for me, that is always the play!

Make the best choice you can with the information you have; then, go to work on educating yourself and gaining experience and a mentor that has proof of success by their associations and bank account.

a worn out well loved and used pair of shoes